Sunday, January 30, 2005

What's In Your Shopping Bag? (Posts Wanted!)

Ladies (and gentlemen too, of course!)...

I want to know... what's in your shopping bag?

Obviously I'm not the only one out there treating myself to a few new goodies every week or two (or maybe a bit more often than that!) and I want to know what's in your shopping bags. What did you order online this week? What did you get last week? Do tell!

You can respond to every post here so if you've bought a product that you see on this list then I want to know what you think. Give us the low down on your fabulous finds!

Feel free to share your make up tips or submit a comment. Just scroll down under this post and click the COMMENT link.

Come on... you know you want to confess your shopaholic sins!

I found a couple online forums where you can login and post your favorite finds but every one of those forums seems to be geared towards the under twenty crowd so I'm thinking about forming a similar site, but geared towards women (and men too, of course!) over the age of 20. I've noticed that on a couple of these sites you can upload pics of stuff you've bought, get fashion advice from other board members and show off your stuff.

Since I work from home as an Executive Director for an Internet Marketing company (name withheld because they'll cut my pay if they see I've got THIS much left over for designer makeup, etc) I have plenty of time (NOT DURING WORK) to browse the net and shop online and think a beauty buzz community might be something I'd want to start soon.

P.S. Anyone out there get one of those Marc Jacobs velvet shoulder bags? If so, gimme all the details! I bet you got compliments like crazy. I'd get one IF they weren't sold out everywhere I tried including Neiman Marcus, etc.


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