Saturday, March 26, 2005

Spring "Cosmetic" Cleaning Ideas (Plus, FREE Too Faced Sample Offer)

Hi Gals,

Having virtually taken over the bathroom counter and
all available space with my collection makeup and
other goodies I decided it's finally time to do something
about it and clean it up.

For one, I got tired of dusting all the bottles, jars and
eyeshadow containers all the time.

Second, the bathroom was starting to look quite

So last Saturday I went in search of some type of

First off, my main solution was to get myself one of
those really nice "Juicy Couture" cosmetic bags.

Unfortunately I found they are no longer readily
available. (The color above isn't the one I really want
but shows you the train case I'm referring to...)

So I set off to Winners (where you can get brand name
items for about 50%+ off the regular price) and found
the PERFECT solution.

It's a beautiful PINK suede/black leather topped box,
approximately 10 inches across by 5 or so inches high
and 6 or so inches wide.

(I'll upload a pic of it one day, it's SO beautiful!)

For $15 CDN (about $12 USD) it was a virtual no brainer.
Plus it's the nicest box I've seen in ages. I'm thrilled to
have found it.

The pink suede is an amazing color (aren't pink and black
the absolute perfect pair of colors?) and the best thing
about it is the way the lid works.

Unlike the other 100 or so boxes they had at Winners, the
lid on this one is attached on one side, so you don't have
to mess with trying to put the lid back on after you open
it. (All the others had lids that lifted right off and were a
bit of a pain to put back on.)

There are two fittings on the back of it so the lid opens
straight up and stays there while you're using your make up.
Then when you're done it closes nicely. No muss, no fuss.

So if your bathroom is starting to resemble the makeup
counter at your local dept. store or you're running out of
room to store your stuff then head out the door, run to
Winners (if you've got one in your area) and find yourself
the most beautiful storage box you can find.

(If you can't get out of the house then try looking online.
There's one storage container website that has NOTHING
but boxes for sale. I can't remember the name of it, but
if someone reading this knows what it is, post a comment
wil ya? Thanks!)

Then get back here and tell me what you've found! Get
creative. Find the MOST PERFECT box you can. Send me a
photo of it and in exchange, I'll send YOU a sample of
"Too Faced" Sugar Shadow eye shadow in YOUR color
choice! (You've got to email me your address though...)

You can pick one of the following three colors:

*** Violet Vengeance
*** Caviar Dreams

*** Frozen Roses

(See previous posts for a picture of the color options.)

The sample will contain enough for a couple applications,
so you can try these amazing shadows BEFORE thinking
about buying any of them. (all samples are sterile and
will be taken from my unopened sugar shadows.)

Plus, it's just downright fun getting stuff for free, especially
Too Faced products!

So think storage boxes, bright colors, beautiful fabrics, hat
boxes, whatever you're into and let me know what you've

Until next time...


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